Cryolipolysis & Cavitation Reviews

Both technologies are widely used in the beauty industry. The results have received many positive reviews. FDA approved both technologies for their effectiveness in weight loss and fat reduction. It is not the intention to compare their differences. It is better to determine which treatment is best for what case and if they can be combined and how.

What’s Ultrasound Cavitation and how does it work?

Cavitation (also known as Fat Cavitation and Cavitation Liposuction) uses low-frequency ultrasound (ranging from 28 to 42kHz to reach the fat deposits beneath the dermis layer. Although it is not sensitive enough to tissues like epidermis and dermis or muscle, ultrasound frequency of 40kHz can be sensitive to fat tissue. The ultrasound frequency of 40kHz will interact with fat cell membranes and cause the destruction of all fat cells. This is the “Cavitation effect”. The immune system will identify the pieces of broken fat cells and their contents. The immune system will identify the broken fat cells and release the fatty acid.

How it feels like

Cavitation handpieces can cause a ringing sensation in the ears, which is common for customers. Although there is no pain, the Cavitation handpiece will cause some warmth to the area. It may feel a little bit depending on the skills of the esthetician.


The treatment is non-invasive and does not involve any pain or anesthesia. There are no downtime, side effects, and no downtime. You can use it to target specific fat tissue areas in order to create a slimmer body shape and reduce your total weight. Cavitation Lipo can be used to shrink the waist and reduce the size of the thighs.

What is Cryolipolysis Fat freezing?

Cryolipolysis uses low temperatures (between -5 and -15 Celsius degrees) in order to freeze fat cells. This temperature range is safe for fat cells and does not cause any harm to the skin, muscles, or fascia. The macrophages cells will identify the frozen fat cells and begin to remove them bit by bit.

How does it feel?

Mild freezing would be felt by customers on the targeted tissue. The targeted area’s skin will feel numb for a short time after treatment. This is a normal reaction to cooling treatments. It will soon disappear.

Cryolipolysis Advantages

The treatment is non-surgical and requires no anesthesia. Customers will feel a tiny bit of freezing in the treated area. It will also turn red for a few hours afterward. It will usually disappear naturally so there is no need to treat it. Cryolipolysis is a technique that can be used to target unwanted fat deposits such as the abdomen or flanks, waist, thighs or stomach. Cryolipolysis can be used to remove fat deposits from the abdomen, flanks, waist, and other areas.

Differences between Cavitation and Cryolipolysis – How do you choose?

Cryolipolysis is not superior to Cavitation, as we have seen. One of the two treatments would be able to handle all cases. It is important to compare the differences to determine which cases should be treated in order to maximize the results.

1. Different theories of Fat Loss

Cavitation uses a 40kHz ultrasound wave for breaking down fat cells, while Cryolipolysis uses controlled low temperatures (closing to 0 Celsius) to freeze away fat.

2. Treatments can have different feelings

The Ultrasound Cavitation treatment can cause a ringing sensation in the ears. It’s like being transported through a tunnel by train. The Cavitation handpiece stops when it is too far from the skin. Cryolipolysis will cause mild to moderate cold sensations and numbness on the targeted area. It will heal in just a few hours. Both are safe.

3. There are differences in the Instand and Additional Results

After each session, you can see the results of Ultrasound Cavitation. It happens quickly. Cryolipolysis results may take some time to appear because the body takes a while to remove the frozen fat cells.

4. Different Treatment Courses

Cavitation results are quick but not always lasting so it may take more sessions to complete. Cryolipolysis results are slower but more durable. Therefore, you will need to do fewer sessions to keep your results.

5. Different Operating Skills

The cavitation handpiece must be moved by specific gestures to focus ultrasound energy on the targeted fat tissue. The Cryolipolysis handpiece does not need to be moved around on the skin. The handpiece can be used to fixate the targeted fat tissue until the treatment is over.

6. Different Indications

Cavitation, as well as Cryolipolysis, can be used to remove localized fat and rebuild the body’s contour. Both can be used to reduce the fat in a specific area of the body without affecting overall fat metabolism. Both methods can be used to help someone with stubborn fat deposits who is unable to exercise. Both men and women can choose from either Cavitation or Cryolipolysis. However, the reality is that Cavitation is preferred by more women than Cryolipolysis. According to a survey, women enjoy visiting SPAs and clinics as a part of their daily lives. Men find it less enjoyable than playing online games. Cavitation is quicker and easier for women than it is for men.

Most men dislike going to the SPA or clinic unless it is necessary (which is one reason they gain weight). Cryolipolysis requires fewer sessions(men: Wow! Yeah!). Men don’t have to add soft contouring (which is still necessary for women). Men will feel happy if their stomach size is reduced. Cryolipolysis can do this. During the fat freezing process, the men can continue to play on their smartphones.

What would happen if you used “Cavitation + Cryolipolysis”, instead of “Cavitation Vs Cryolipolysis?”

We highly recommend combining Cavitation with Cryolipolysis. Every customer has the same goal: to reduce fat, and do it quickly and effectively. We have found that Cryolipolysis reduces fat quickly, while Cavitation keeps it down for longer periods of time. Combining both treatments will result in faster and longer-lasting fat loss.

What sequence should I use when using Cryolipolysis and Cavitation?

First, use Cavitation to break down fat and then use Cryolipolysis to freeze it. Do not reverse the process. The Cavitation won’t work if you do.

If you are looking to combine both Cryolipolysis and Cavitation, you might be concerned that you will need to first own one or the other. You will end up spending more on your investment. There are new systems that combine Cavitation and Cryolipolysis. One machine can perform both of these treatments.