Exquisite Professional 9in1 Ultrasonic 40K Cavitation RF Vacuum Cellulite Reduction Slimming Machine

Original price was: $1,699.99.Current price is: $989.97.

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Original price was: $1,899.99.Current price is: $1,137.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 1mhz Ultrasonic Skin Therapy

Original price was: $499.99.Current price is: $379.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 40k Cavitation Machine

Original price was: $699.99.Current price is: $393.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 Body Slimming RF Cavitation Machine

Original price was: $1,299.99.Current price is: $734.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 Cavitation 2.0 Slimming 1Mhz Ultrasound Face Eyes Anti Aging Skin Lifting Machine

Original price was: $251.99.Current price is: $199.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 RF Cavitation

Original price was: $599.99.Current price is: $338.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 RF Cavitation Vacuum Machine

Original price was: $2,599.99.Current price is: $1,517.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 RF Photon Cavitation

Original price was: $599.99.Current price is: $339.97.

Exquisite 3 in 1 Ultrasound Cavitation RF Machine

Original price was: $799.99.Current price is: $424.97.

Professional Ultrasonic Cavitation Equipment

Effective fat reduction without surgery? Relaxing luxurious body sculpting? Losing inches while firming & lifting the skin? Are you thinking that it's impossible? Don't be fooled! The ability to master the unreal methods of removing fat and tight skin that you can offer your patients has become the norm. 

  We are delighted to be able to present you with the world's most effective ultrasonic cavitation machine. With this machine you can help clients reduce sagging skin around troublesome body parts, shape the waistline, smooth away "love handles" improve the jawline, improve the appearance of double chins, and reduce the appearance of sagging skin under the arms. The most effective ultrasound cavitation device can assist you in making your clients happy quickly and effectively. 

Most experts in the spa industry have said that if you're not using body contouring and slimming treatments, you're missing out in a major way. We agree. These treatments have been popular for a long time. Nowadays, patients don't have to decide between enhancing the so-called problem regions and undergoing the tricky and risky surgical procedures. You can simply make appointments with your clinic, and then go in for a pleasant and pain-free cavitation treatments that deliver incredible slimming effects. It's the most efficient method to assist your clients to lose weight & tone sagging skin. We'll be happy to present to you the amazing cavitation radiofrequency machines. You'll be amazed by how quickly your customers will be captivated by the cavitation ultrasound treatment since the device will provide many advantages.

What is the best Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine for Weight Loss?

The latest high-tech lipo cavitation equipment are designed to emit ultrasound waves at extremely low frequency. Low-frequency waves are responsible for the collapse of the fat cells, and the liquid fat leaks out of the burst membrane to create spaces between cells. This is referred to as the cavitation effect. Once the fat has been liquefied, it is removed by the natural detoxification process as well as metabolic process.

Ultrasonic cavitation stands out from other treatments for three significant reasons:

  1. The fat cells are the only ones affected during the treatment. The connective tissue fibers are not damaged. epidermal tissue cells are damaged or in any way affected.
  2. The radiofrequency component of cavitation lipo machines used for weight loss is responsible for more youthful, healthier, and soft skin. Tightness and elasticity can be restored by protein production. Elastin and collagen are the two main components that rejuvenate skin over time, lifting it and revitalizing it during the process is the reason cosmetic surgery has decided to step back.
  3. Not to mention the immediate results that get increase with each session are awe-inspiring. The combination of ultrasound cavitation at low frequencies and lymphatic drainage, which naturally eliminates the fats that are liquefied through metabolism, the lymph system, and urinary system, allows for fast detoxification and a rapid loss of inches. 

Studies: The Evidence Behind the Non-invasive Body Contouring Device for the Body

What exactly is Ultrasound Cavitation function?

Ultrasonic is a reference to the sound frequency. While it vibrates the Ultrasonic Cavitation handpiece emits sound that we can't hear. We count the number of oscillations per second as the sound frequency and call this Hertz. Sound waves that have frequency above 20,000 hertz are called "Ultrasonic".

One Megahertz (MHz) is 1,000,000 hertz. Based on statistics a typical frequency range for medical usage is from 1 MHz to 5 MHz. In general, the lower the frequency the more powerful, thus, the better the treatment. Lower frequencies are more pervasive and directional.

In the process, ion vibrating (negative or positive alternation of sound) produces a strong force on membranes of the fatty cells. In general, the membrane of the adipocyte can't withstand this pressure and the membrane collapses as well as the fluid content explodes into the interstitial. The liquid substance is released from the body via its metabolism in the lymphatic system.

The effects are the result of Ultrasonic Cavitation are achieved by the reduction in the quantity of adipocytes - fat cellsthat reside in our locally stored fats.

What is an ultra cavitation device? 

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a specialized device that makes use of low-frequency ultrasound to target fat cells and tear their membranes to diminish the fat deposits that are localized, like the abdomen, waistline and love handle, the lower back glutes, inner thighs and upper arm.

These ultrasound devices are not invasive and non-stressful body contouring machines that are painless.

Can ultrasonic cavitation actually work?

It's a natural method to eliminate excess fat from your body. once the fat liquid is removed, it passes through metabolic processes that are natural to leave the body.

As compared to the time it takes to undergo surgery or working out, ultrasound cavitation is extremely quick. The longest time you could spend with a client, contingent on the region of the body that is being treated and the area of treatment, is an hour. Also, for your clients with the highest volume you always have the possibility of coming in for treatments during lunchtime.

Ultrasonic cavitation machine technology is based on high-powered ultrasound energy which is focused and directed on specific target regions. This exact treatment has the ability to cause numerous microscopic implosions within the fat cell membrane and also perform focused destruction of hypodermal adipocytes (fat cells).

When the membrane of the fat cell is broken, the intracellular substance of the fat cell will leak out in the space that is created between cell. The subsequent enzymatical process will disintegrate the contents into water-soluble glycerol and fatty acids that are free. By using lymphatic drainage, the fatty acids will enter the liver to further decompose and glycerol enters the circulatory system to create energy. 

The most frequently treated regions are the waist and legs, where a quick cavitation treatment lasting 30-45 minutes is carried out.

In the ideal situation, patients will undergo around 8-10 treatments. It is only after 4 treatments visual effects could be seen. However, every body is unique and the results can vary.

What are the effects of Ultrasound Cavitation?

The treatment of ultrasound cavitation produces:

  • A localized reduction in fat
  • Body contouring
  • Slimming

To ensure stable outcomes following cavitation, the professional in skin care needs to activate lymphatic drainage using a variety of techniques:

  • Massage of lymphatic drainage with vacuum
  • Manual lymphatic drainage massage
  • Therapy for compression or pressotherapy
  • EMS Toning the Muscle Toning

The lymphatic system is able to eliminate the waste products of adipocytes that have collapsed. It is also known as ultra Cavitation treatment is typically done with a limit of 60 minutes a week, which is about 1-2 times per week.

How do you use the ultrasonic machine for cavitation?

  • Make sure your patient signs on an Ultrasound Cavitation consent form
  • Make sure your client is horizontally and in a comfortable place
  • Clean the area of treatment with a the help of a soft towel. Snap the picture prior to the treatment
  • Apply the Ultrasound Gel on the treated area approximately 3-5mm thick. This Ultrasound is a type of wave which can be transmitted through the contact layer of the medium, cavitation might not be as efficient if there isn't enough gel. This is the reason why continuous gel reapplication is vital.
  • The device should be turned on and choose the appropriate mode and intensity according to the zone being treated as well as each client's preferences.
  • Begin the treatment by using gentle circular motions, and a probe that is inserted to the folds of fat. Massage the area of concern with a focus on the hypodermal layer of skin. Be sure to treat the entire problem area.
  • Set the work intensity for treatment, if necessary.
  • Tell those you are working with about "Cricket Effect" when cavitation occurs which is an anticipated buzzing noise which your clients will feel.

How can I do ultrasonic cavitation?

  • The duration of cavitation should not exceed 40 minutes per session.
  • The recommended frequency for cavitation sessions is one or two times each week.
  • Cavitation exposure total should not exceed 60 minutes a week for one individual.
  • Cleanse the skin area that has been treated.
  • Apply conductive gel that is ultrasound-sensitive to the skin.
  • Choose the minimal working parameters of the device (it would be recommended that you begin at a lower intensity and gradually increase it throughout the course of treatment).
  • Handpieces are moved around in circular motions while applying gentle pressure applied to the fold of skin. Use the ultrasound handpiece in direction towards the fold of fat. Don't direct it directly towards the body cavities.
  • The handpiece needs to be moving continuously. Don't stop in one place.
  • Cavitation should be applied only to the areas of deposits of fat.
  • It is not permitted to perform cavitation to treat protruding bones' angles (iliac bone, ribs elbows, knees etc.)
  • It is forbidden to use cavitation on joints, the projections of the pelvic glands, on the projection of popliteal fossae, elbows neck, face, or armpits.
  • You must always keep an eye on your gel by applying more needed.
  • It is essential to ensure lymphatic drainage following cavitation in order to speed up the process of eliminating the decay-related components.
  • The typical treatment comprises 5-10 sessions.

Ultrasonic cavitation gel

Each ultrasonic cavitation device has to be used in conjunction with an ultrasound-conductive gel. Gel forms a liquid-contact middle layer on the skin's surface, which allows ultrasound waves to penetrate deeply into the fat layer. In the course of treatment, gel is required to be reapplied as necessary.

Ultrasound Cavitation Recommendations

The Fat Cavitation Machine treatment should be carried out one to twice per week.

A single session comprising several treatments should be scheduled every two years

The day before treatment the patient must consume at least 1.5-2 Liters of water

Form for consent to ultrasonic cavitation

A signed written informed consent is essential for any professional in the field of skincare. This form of communication helps professionals clarify the risks and appropriate expectations, and it assists patients ask questions, and to decide whether or not to accept treatment.

The most important thing is that cavitation consent forms will educate your customers and allow you to provide your services.

The main benefits of the RF Ultra Cavitation Treatment

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Treatment Protocol

  • The duration of RF Therapy must be 20 to 50 minutes, based on the dimensions and health of the zone
  • The frequency for Radiofrequency therapy is 5-15 sessions with 1 session per 5-15 days.
  • Preparing the client to attend the meeting:
  • Remove all jewelry
  • Cleanse and remove any makeup. skin
  • Apply dermabrasion or ultrasonic peeling for a deep clean
  • Apply conductive gel on clean skin.
  • Always begin at a lower RF level to avoid burning and gradually increase intensity as treatment progresses. The handpiece should be moved slowly on the skin with the conductive gel.
  • Be aware that during treatment each electrode on the handpiece should be in contact with the skin in a tight manner and in a single, continuous motion. In the event of not doing this, burning on the skin can occur. The more intense of the burn, the faster the piece is required to be moved.
  • Inform your client you if she or he experiences any intense discomfort. In general, patients feel an enveloping warm sensation during the treatment.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation:

Most often, stylists need to evaluate different types of equipment. It's extremely challenging.

Check out the most well-known comparisons:

Ultrasonic Cavitation in comparison to Coolsculpting

Ultrasound cavitation employs low-frequency ultrasound to break down the fat cells. Results may be visible right after treatment. Benefits: Cavitation is cost-effective device when compared to Coolsculpting. As also, no medical professional is required to carry out Cavitation as only a medical centers can provide CoolSculpting treatment. In contrast, CoolSculpting is a local treatment that uses extremely low temperatures and vacuum suction. This treatment is intended to induce anapoptosis - the natural process of killing cells. The results of the freezing procedure are visible approximately 3 months following the session.

Ultrasonic Cavitation Vs Lipo Lipo

Laser Lipo machines utilize cold diode lasers with low intensity, which claim to reduce fat cells. Laser Lipo is done using small laser pads, which are placed on the treatment areas, and then fixed using elastic stripes. Cavitation as well as Lipo Laser treatments last roughly the same amount of time (20-30 minutes) and, in both instances the lymphatic drainage procedure is necessary. Advantages to Lipo Laser: hands-free treatment benefits of body cavitation equipment specific treatment which allows you to target the precise locations of concern for greater results.

Ultrasound Cavitation Vs Radio Frequency

Ultrasound Cavitation machines are designed to decrease the amount of fat cells and also stimulates the elimination the local accumulation of fat. Radiofrequency is targeted at the dermal skin layer, and stimulates collagen production to firm and tighten the skin.

Ultrasound Cavitation Vs LPG Endermologie

Cavitation makes use of a flat surface as well as ultrasound vibrations to get rid of excess fat. LPG utilizes vacuum roller massage applied to the bodysuit. this procedure aims to slim the body, by stimulating lymphatic circulation, enhanced skin tone, and increased cell turnover.

Ultrasound Cavitation in comparison to Shockwave Therapy 

The ultrasound waves of the Cavitation machine target the fat cells, thereby raising intracellular pressure and destroying Adipocytes. Shockwave therapy produces a series of low-energy acoustic waves which are applied directly to the affected area via the skin of a patient. Shockwave therapy has amazing results for the tightening of skin and reduction of cellulite.

Ultrasonic Cavitation in comparison to Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis devices utilize an extra low temperature to provide stimulation of the skin. By applying a below-0 Celsius treatment to the skin and then directing it to the fatty fold, the chain of apoptosis-related reactions commences - which leads to deaths naturally of fat cells. Due to the slow massaging process and the mandatory lymphatic drainage following - results may be visible following every treatment (caused due to lymph centralization as well as the toning of the skin).

What is cavitation, a method of slimming and how does it work?

The Ultrasound Cavitation machine enables to attain a significant reduction in fat at the same time, and gives noticeable results in just one session, which can lead to further treatments. Package sessions are suggested to get even better outcomes throughout the course of treatment. The individual results could differ.

The main benefits are the main benefits Lipo Ultra Cavitation Treatment

  • Low-frequency Ultrasound that is pain-free and low-frequency Technology
  • Technology that is safe and reliable
  • Non-invasive and effective local fat reduction
  • The treatment is pain-free and there's no downtime
  • Results that last for a long time and are instantaneous

The advantages of ultrasonic cavitation

  • Instant loss of inches through rapid fat elimination
  • Non-invasive procedure. There is no skin penetration, and there aren't bruises or scars.
  • Quick and secure weight loss. Some reports show as much as 10kg loss after just a couple of months of treatment (number of treatments is individually determined, but generally, it's between two and three 40-60 minutes sessions each month)
  • Long-term impact

Ultrasonic cavitation by radio frequency

  • Lifted, rejuvenated skin
  • Better skin elasticity
  • The healing cascade begins with essential protein synthesis that helps to lift and tighten the skin over time.
  • A visible reduction in wrinkles and lines.
  • The proper oxygenation, hydration and re-oxygenation of the body and improved functioning for the circulatory system
  • Absolute Contraindications

What number of ultrasonic cavitation treatments will be required?

The typical Ultrasound Cavitation treatment comprises 5-10 sessions based on the state of the patient.

How long will it take for you to see the outcomes of ultrasonic cavitation?

The effects of proper cavitation and lymphatic drainage treatments will be visible after each treatment. Further improvement can be evident in the following 28 days after treatment because the duration is an average period of cell turnover.

How long will the results of ultrasonic cavitation last?

The effects may last for forever The time frame for achieving results will depend entirely on the specifics of the client's situation health, hormone balance, etc.

Are the results of ultrasonic cavitation permanent?

Ultrasound cavitation can reduce the number of fat cells. However, in the case of a bad lifestyle or other hormonal problems, the fat cells that are already present could grow in size and visually increase the size of the patient. \

This Ultrasound Cavitation treatment contraindications

The use of Ultrasound Cavitation or Radiofrequency treatment aren't recommended for patients with the following ailments:

  • Breastfeeding or pregnant
  • Implants made of metal, such as prostheses, pins or pacemakers
  • Device for intrauterine delivery (avoid treatment of the abdominal area)
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer can occur at any time, at any time and under every form
  • Blood disorders
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney and liver diseases
  • High blood pressure that is severe or problems with circulation
  • Deep vein thrombosis Varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis
  • Trauma, hemorrhagic disease and the rupture of a vascular vessel
  • The veins are inflamed Phlebitis
  • The current treatment is anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibiotics.
  • Steroids used for long-term use
  • Infections
  • External bleeding (ex: bleeding from ulcers)
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Dry, red and itchy skin itchy rashes
  • Incontinence in the urinary tract
  • Transmissible illnesses
  • Menstrual cycle time (avoid treating abdominal pain)
  • Below 18

Cavitation Vacuum Machines 

Vacuum cavitation machines are an advanced and effective device which is able to treat such issues as cellulite and excess weight. Exquisite Depot is happy to provide the most effective cavitation machines available for purchase.

The vacuum cavitation machine is a combination of various of the most effective weight-loss procedures. They include vacuum cavitation, lipotherapy radiofrequency and many more. The most common procedure that is performed with these devices is referred to as vacuum cavitation.

Vacuum cavitation is what it sounds like?

Vacuum Cavitation machines are most advanced multi-functional devices which include two technologies: Ultrasound Cavitation and Vacuum Massage. This is an excellent alternative to the drastic lengthy and painful recovery surgery.

What is the process like?

This treatment utilizes an effective vacuum suction system along with pre-programmed mode settings and an entire set of medical grade cups. The vacuum stage allows for performing Lymphatic Drainage Therapy to increase the results of cavitation after.

Can vacuum cavitation be combined with other methods?

Yes, it is a great option to combine with other techniques to reduce the appearance of skin and slim it. The equipment on our website combine the most effective features to offer the best result for the clients you serve.

The guidelines for vacuum cavitation.

The use of vacuum cavitation is suggested for those who wish to slim their waist and abdomen, slim tights, and contour their buttocks, in order to eliminate fat deposits from the sides or back as well as to reduce cellulite.

How long will a client be able to see the outcomes?

The results are evident immediately following the first session.

How many sessions are required?

To get the longest-lasting and optimal result for the best and longest-lasting result, you must be able to perform between 5 and 8 procedures, and in some instances, it is necessary to have 10 procedures. The time for ultrasound cavitation must not exceed 45 minutes every week. Within a single session, a esthetician may treat one large or two smaller areas. The time between each session should not be less than seven days. This is necessary to regulate metabolism and the excretion of fat cells.

For the purpose of maintaining results It is permitted to perform vacuum cavitation every six months.

Vacuum Cavitation Benefits

The benefits of the vacuum cavitation machine treatment include:

  • Absolutely painless type of treatment
  • There is no downtime, so it doesn't impact the productivity of your employees;
  • The procedure is non-invasive and painless. It will not cause skin damage it doesn't leave scars and it goes on. Because the skin's surface remains unharmed There is no chance of blood tumors, infection or scar tissue.
  • It increases the microcirculation within the lymph circulation and tissues. This is why it has an effect of detoxification. The tissues that are fatty are not just a repository of fat, but also numerous toxic wastes and toxins.
  • The results will be apparent shortly.

Another benefit for salon owners is that their equipment is tiny and elegant. The fashionable vacuum cavitation varieties of machines will appear beautiful in a salon and will not take up the entire space.

Vacuum cavitation machines are costly?

Vacuum cavitation equipment is extremely affordable. They offer the most effective combination of various and efficient techniques for body shaping weight loss, body shaping, and treatment for cellulite. Every person must go through every step to get the most effective and lasting results. You can be certain your vacuum equipment won't just generate money but also happy and satisfied customers.

Cavitation RF Machines

We're delighted to welcome you into the category dedicated to the famous slimming and contouring radiofrequency cavitation machines. Congratulations for taking a smart decision to purchase an RFC cavitation beauty equipment. The investment will be profitable for your business in the field of beauty. The RF cavitation procedure is among the most efficient, simple to promote and sell body shaping treatments because of the huge demand. This innovative treatment provides incredible results immediately that get better over time. The procedure, in addition to actually giving the inch reduction of liposuction also triggers an healing process through the radiofrequency vital protein booster. Synthesizing structural blockages like collagen and elastin, improves and tightens the skin in time. In only some months, your clients will observe the continuous renewal of their skin. it will appear soft, radiant and incredibly fresh.

What exactly is radiofrequency Cavitation and how does it Do the job?

Radiofrequency - also known as radiofrequency- is an efficient treatment to treat wrinkles, loose skin, and to improve the appearance and tightening effects on skin.

Radiofrequency can help:

  • increase tissue-oxygen supply
  • increase metabolism of cells
  • stimulate collagen regeneration
  • Enhance your production of Elastin as well as Hyaluronic acid.

Exquisite Depot Exquisite Depot RF technique makes use of electricity similar to those that are naturally present in our body's electrical circuits to trigger tissues to expand, which will can then safely tighten the skin and improve its appearance. Due to the capability of RF to penetrate the dermal layer on the skin, the skin gets firmer, while collagen fibers that are already present are strengthened and the creation of new collagen proteins is stimulated. Since collagen production decreases gradually with age it's extremely important to maintain collagen levels at the most basic level, because we are aware that collagen is a key ingredient for a firm and tight skin.

The most important benefits of Ultrasonic RF Cavitation Therapy

The incredible cavitation RF devices available for purchase in this category provide numerous advantages for the face and body. The best treatment available is to save and non-invasive inch shred, the best cavitation machine for slimming can turn back the clock. A few of our customers say it's a mix of liposuction, facelift and liposuction all in one incredible treatment.

  • This can be used on every body component to address the areas which are typically treated surgically.
  • Non-surgical and effective method of removing excess fat.
  • Secure and pain-free.
  • Neocollagenesis stimulation using radiofrequency for the effective restoration of skin structure. Proteins that are structural are
  • essential for the structural strength and elasticity of the skin.
  • Effectively improves skin tightness It lifts and shapes the skin.
  • Less wrinkles and lines More visible scars and cellulite.

What are the outcomes of Radioferquency:

  • A slim and lifty double chin
  • Jawline contour area
  • Eye dark circles are reduced and puffiness
  • Make sure you lift your eyebrows
  • Make the nasolabial folds and crow's feet.
  • Improve the formation of healthy cells
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Promote collagen production
  • Skin should be tighter and more lifted.

What is the main difference between different types of Radiofrequency skin tightening?

Radiofrequency energy may be delivered either in one or a combination of different ways:

Monopolar RF, also known as Multipolar RF, also known as Bipolar RF.

Each mode has a distinct electrode that releases energy in various designs and depths to allow for the selective treatment of the skin and fat. The energy aids in the metabolism of fat granules, which were ruptured previously by cavitation, triggering the release of triglycerides as well as triggering the tightening of the skin.

In this procedure the dermis as well as the subcutaneous layer are simultaneously heated and collagen fibers are forced to expand. These fibers are then shortened and tighter, lifting the skin, and creating an instant toning effects. The metabolism of the fibroblasts also improves and they produce new collagen fibers that are long-lasting.

The radiofrequency energy of the classic can help to increase the dermal layer of skin and boost the firmness of the skin. These changes may help reduce the severity of wrinkles that are already present, as well as lift the body's contour and facial features. Because of treatment for firming the skin with RF, skin cells increase the production of new collagen proteins, and collagen that is already present gets stronger.

What are the effects of the combination Cavitation as well as Radiofrequency?

  • Instantly shorten collagen fibers and create an immediate tightening and lifting effect on the skin.
  • stimulate fibroblasts to create fresh collagen and elastic fibres, which triggers a distinct skin tightening effect.
  • Induce and destroy Adipocytes (fat cells) to let fat out to the bloodstream (adipocytes are extremely fragile when compared to fibroblasts and other tissues cells).

What are the advantages from the Combination of Cavitation with radiofrequency and Vacuum massage?

Through the use of Ultrasound cavitation Vacuum, Radiofrequency and cavitation technology the direct access to deep fat cells is dramatically enhanced. Ultrasonic waves and the generation of localized heat bring cells that are active and fat to a high level and a more efficient blood flow is achieved.

A heightened flow of blood aids in tightening sagging loose, aged skin. Improvement in skin elasticity is helped by a boost in metabolic activity. With the help of the vacuum, lymphatic and sweat glands remove extra fat and toxins from the body. The vacuum suction also disintegrates fat cells and improves the health of cells' mitochondria, improving the lymphatic and blood circulation, with the benefits of metabolism.

What you need to know for performing Ultrasound Cavitation Effectively

Cavitation is the process that uses ultrasound waves into the skin's adipose layer in the frequency between 37 and 42 kHz. Cavitation triggers the formation of a number of small hollows which cause Adipocytes (fat cells) explode from the inside due to pressure.

Because the membrane, or covering of the cell, is extremely thin, cells break due to external and internal pressure variations. The fat cell spill out of the ruptured membrane to the space between cells (extracellular space of the fluid) and the fat cell dies.

Cavitation is a very efficient and efficient method for removing fat deposits locally. Also, cavitation can break up fat in areas where the cavitation's nozzle is in contact with the skin.

In accordance with these guidelines, clients notice weight loss, generalized and improvement in the body's contour/general condition.

Cavitation Post-procedure guidelines:

  1. Water intake guidelines: 1.5-2 Liters of water per day throughout the cavitation session during the course (an average course runs about 2-3 times a week, ranging from 5 to 10 sessions in total).

If your intake of water consumed is carefully controlled drinking water that is healthy becomes a habit, and the person's diet is changed to one that is more beneficial.

This is great for the general health of your client, since it can improve digestion, maintain hydration of the skin and most significantly it reduces appetite!

Therefore, reducing the amount of food consumed can positively impact the speed of metabolism and weight reduction targets.

  1. Stabilization of the diet regimen During the cavitation treatment doctors recommend eating light meals at regular intervals, rather than consuming a handful of large meals. This can have benefits for patient's appearance and overall health.
  2. It is not advised to consume large meals 1.5 hours prior to or 1.5 hours following the procedure. However, patients can eat small portions of fruit that is unsweetened or yogurt.

The habit can have positive effects on body slimming and overall health of the client.

  1. Regular physical exercise all day long are suggested. Exercises that are cardio-based or at minimum 30 minutes of jogging or walking throughout the day can boost the metabolism of cells, and aid in reducing swelling. It also helps strengthen muscles, and improve the contour of the body and skin's elastic.
  2. Lymphatic massage: Immediately following each cavitation treatment, the beauty therapist should give the client an essential massage to help increase lymphatic drainage. Estheticians are not permitted to offer the cavitation treatment without a massage afterward.

Any type of lymphatic drainage may be performed, including: manual massage, pressure therapy, electromyostimulation, vacuum massage, or LPG massage. The aim of this procedure is to accelerate the elimination of liquids and fat dissolution substances from the body in general. If the fat cell contents don't go away from the body following cavitation, then the fluid will be absorbed by living adipocytes. This will lead to the same amount of fat that the patient had before treatment. 

Why should one seek out the Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment?

As previously mentioned cavitation is the cause of the appearance of hollows with a variety of sizes that cause Adipocytes (fat cells) explode from the inside because of the pressure. Since the membrane or the cover of the cell is paper thin, cell break down due to pressure differences between external and internal pressure. The liquid contents of the fat cell escape through this membrane, causing it to rupture and into the intracellular space (extracellular space, or the fluid chamber) and the fat cell is destroyed. This is highly effective because it targets the cells that are infected and allows the fat inside them to escape and out of in the bloodstream (with the addition and lymphatic drainage).

The amount of time that fat cells is governed by nature, which means that adipocytes don't not develop throughout the course of one's life. Instead, the rise in the amount of fat deposits due to the growth of existing cells, not through the growth in fat cells.

Why is lymphatic drainage so crucial after an the cavitation ultrasound session?

This is why a timely lymphatic drainage stimulation following cavitation is crucialas it stops healthy adipocytes from taking in free fats and triglycerides in the cells that have been dislocated in the intercellular space. Following cavitation it is apparent that decay product absorption is accelerated.

This is why stimulation of lymphatic drainage and the elimination of liquids and fats is a mandatory stage of this therapy. In addition, a higher intake of water will facilitate the quick replacement of fluids within the body. The liquid that has been processed leaves the body via natural channels of excretory elimination (urination sweating, defecation, sweating).

Ultrasound Cavitation Equipment Types, Brands and Models

If you're on the search to locate and purchase the most effective ultrasonic cavitation machine begin by collecting details. In this category, we provide an extensive selection of the most effective machines on the market. You can look through the mobile, easy to transport, move setup and dismantle equipment for businesses that offer services on site as well as the excellent stationary equipment that is for salon and spa for use by only. There are mono and multifunctional machines. If you choose to purchase a multifunctional machine, you're not just broadening your selection and offering your customers the choice of a variety of effective treatment options.

In this section, in addition to the most effective ultrasonic cavitation devices available, we also provide radiofrequency (multipolar tripolar, bipolar and multipolar) along with vacuum therapy devices.

It is essential to investigate the brand. We only work with companies who invest in study of product development, research and security.

We believe that quality, safety and the latest technology aren't in any way exclusive. Our goal is to provide only the highest quality with reasonable costs. Within this section, you will discover a variety of affordable ultrasonic cavitation devices. Our high-quality equipment is affordable. We also often offer special deals and discounts on our products and we provide free shipping and a long warranty. The ROI of the machines is fast, if not instantaneous. We only sell the most in-demand most popular treatment equipment, so we can conclude that the majority of the costs for these machines are recuperated in a few treatments.

The Best Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine For Sale
Are you looking for where to buy cavitation machine? Exquisite Depot will help make your body look the way you've always dreamed of with body slimming!
If you're looking for ultrasonic cavitation at home, or professional ultrasonic cavitation machine for beauty salons, we are able to offer it. Our body slimming products are approved by the FDA. We offer one-on-one online consultations, simply get in touch with us and we will recommend the best product in accordance with your requirements.
Exquisite's UNOISETION Ultrasonic Cavitation machines, amoung our other lines, are an ideal advanced solution for beauty schools and for individuals who want to enhance their salon's services as well as expand their business. It allows you to shape your body in your home, and regain confidence in yourself and your beauty. Ultrasonic cavitation machines utilize the high frequency sound waves that destroy fat cells, leading to an energized and slimmer body. It also utilizes the radio Frequency (RF) BIO, Vacuum, and Hot/Cold Hammer technology to reduce cellulite and improve the skin's appearance all leading to a complete body slimming.
The application of the concept of ultrasound to deliver which is to send strong sound waves that penetrate the body of the person so that human fat cells create powerful friction and impact movement between fat cells will efficiently consume heat, and cause the fat cells shrink. Additionally, our ultrasound technology utilizes sound waves to destroy fat cells, which allows them to be removed naturally from your body via the lymphatic. This non-invasive and safe procedure is ideal for patients seeking a non-invasive approach to help them achieve their weight goal of losing weight.

The Basic Principle Behind Ultrasonic Cavitation Machines
The basic principle of operation of the ultrasonic cavitation machine is built on the use of high-frequency sound waves that create pressure waves inside the tissues of the body.

1. The pressure waves caused by these pressure waves result in the formation of tiny bubbles within the fat cell's fluid.
2. While the sound waves continue to propagate, the pressure within the bubbles increase to a certain level, after which they fall. The sudden collapse of bubbles produces a significant amount of force that break down the fat cells , and converts them to a liquid form.
3. This liquid will then be naturally removed from the body via the urinary and lymphatic systems.
4. It's important to know that ultrasonic cavitation is only affecting fat cells and doesn't cause harm to the surrounding organs or tissues.

The overall principle of ultrasonic cavitation machines are built on the use of high-frequency sound waves that eliminate fat cells and aid in their elimination of the body. This provides an effective and non-invasive method to improve body slimming down and losing weight.
What type of ultrasonic cavitation equipment are available?
There are a variety of ultrasonic cavitation machines available in the market, each having distinct characteristics and capabilities. Here are a few of the most popular models:

1. Mobile devices are tiny hand-held devices made for home use. They tend to be smaller in power than the ones that are used in spas and clinics However, they can be beneficial for those who wish to target specific regions of the body.
2. Hand-held devices are the most commonly used types of ultrasonic machines that are employed in beauty and spa clinics. They are usually handheld devices that emit high-frequency sound wave that target specific areas of the body.
3. Fixed machine: Fixed are usually larger and are more durable fixtures found in spas and clinics. They can be used to treat more extensive regions of the body for example, the hips or the thighs.
4. The body wrap: These devices are like hand-held devices however they are made to work in conjunction with body wraps. Body wraps are designed to secure the machine and to target certain areas of the body.
5. Non-invasive liposuction machines They are ultrasonic cavitation devices that utilize the vacuum of suction as well as high frequency sound waves in order to eliminate stubborn fat. They are usually employed in medical facilities and are carried out by trained experts.

Each ultrasonic cavitation machine comes with its own advantages and drawbacks, which is why it's crucial to take into consideration your personal needs and objectives before deciding on the appropriate kind of machine for you.
What are the Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine's Precautions?
Ultrasonic cavitation is typically thought of as to be a non-invasive and safe cosmetic procedure.

1. Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle: Ultrasonic cavitation should not be considered the sole option for losing weight or shaping your body. It is essential to follow the right diet and exercise regularly to attain and maintain the desired outcomes.
2. Avoid exposure to extreme heat Avoid contact with temperatures, such as saunas or hot showers for at least 24hrs after the procedure in order to reduce the possibility of irritation to the skin and discomfort.
3. Drink plenty of fluids Drinking plenty of water prior to and following the procedure will help rid the damaged fat cells and reduce any discomfort.
4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine within a minimum of 24 hours prior to and following the procedure because these substances increase the chance of irritation to the skin and discomfort.

It is essential to take these guidelines professionally in order to make sure that cavitation process using ultrasonics is secure and effective.
Why should I choose Exquisite Depot? Where To Buy Cavitation Machine?

1. Time and Money Saving

You can save your reservation booking and wait time. Utilize it any time, anywhere.

The cost of a couple of treatments in a salon is the same as the endless treatments for body shaping.

2. Secure and Money Saving:

Non-surgical, non-wounding, painless, zero-downtime.

Don't pay for the expensive post-surgical treatments.

3. Easily Create Sculpting At-Home:


It is not necessary to create the space needed for it.

4. Perfect customer support:

Get Two Years of warranty on quality-related problems.

30 day money-back guarantee

5. Logistics services that are ultra-fast:

Global logistics warehouses worldwide makes shipping quick and painless.

3-7 working days delivery via UPS or FedEx.

If you have any questions just let us know! Whenever you're looking for where to buy cavitation machine just remember Exquisite Depot as your premium affordable option to quality solutions.