Before you read any information concerning spider veins’, do not be frightened by the title; it’s nothing to do with spiders, as we say.

Spider veins are also referred to as telangiectasias within the scientific community they are blood vessels that are prominently visible under the skin. They usually appear beneath the skin around our legs however, they can be visible almost anywhere throughout the body. They appear in a web-like manner that resembles a spider’s webs.

If you think that it’s only obvious and nothing to be concerned about, consider rethinking. There are more than forty million individuals in the United States alone who suffer from this issue. Nearly half of the women are at risk of developing spider or varicose veins (a very similar disease and one that is closely related) which is probable to pass on genetically. Continue reading, and we’ll discuss all the potential dangers and reasons for spider veins as well as the best way to tackle this issue safely and effectively.

Symptoms and Causes

As we’ve mentioned Spider veins can be steam out of varicose veins. It’s the same vein disease. Varicose veins can be described as swollen veins which are visible just beneath your skin’s layer. Uneven circulation of blood throughout your body could cause veins to expand. The accumulation of pressure and blood could pave to more issues and the formation of spider veins.

Be aware that varicose vessels can result in spider veins and not vice versa. In addition to creating a look of lumpy skin and stretched, it may cause skin irritation, swollen parts of the body, pain muscles cramps. Therefore, it’s obvious it’s more than just a cosmetic issue that many people are uncomfortable about, but a problem that could affect a normal lifestyle that is active and healthy.

There isn’t much advancement has been made in the medical field to treat varicose or spider veins, aside from the suggestion of wearing compression socks or clothing to lessen swelling. The only thing that is causing huge obstacles to helping patients overcome this vein problem is the use of light therapy.

What’s blue light therapy? how can it be treated?

Light therapy, specifically blue light therapy, uses low-wavelength blue-colored light with a combination of heat to help various surface skin and body problems. The non-UV light that is reflected on the area of concern every day for 10 minutes has been found to have positive effects on problems like acne as well as skin texture, sun damage, larger pores, glands as well as scarring and most importantly, vein problems for example.

How does blue light therapy function? The light increases blood circulation and assists it to transport oxygen as well as other essential nutrients to different areas in the body. This is essential to combat varicose veins and spider veins as the major issue is the irregular circulation of blood.

The light therapy will, with time decrease the swelling and build-up of blood and reduce the appearance under the skin. Eventually, they will disappear the blemishes completely. It’s a non-invasive, medically non-pharmacological procedure, meaning you can benefit from blue light therapy at your own pace. No matter what stage of vein disease you may be suffering from, take advantage of blue light therapy in order to get your life back to normal.